Meridians-Meet the Most Physical of Our NINE Energy Systems

Eden Energy Medicine                        August 5, 2016


Meridians- Meet the Most Physical of the Nine Systems

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


The meridian system is our body’s “energetic bloodstream”. Comprised of 14 meridians, 10 are directly named for a primary organ with which it is associated and the other 4 meridians (Central, Governing, Circulation Sex and Triple Warmer) have unique more complex functions. Although each has a defined pathway, to which you will be introduced over the next several months, they are all interconnected to create the rivers of energy that affect each organ and each physiological system of our body; including the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, circulatory , endocrine, nervous, lymphatic and immune systems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has mapped these meridians for over 4500 years, recognizing that each pathway (meridian) has numerous points that may be accessed to impact health. In acupuncture, these points are called acupuncture points, which may be stimulated by inserting needles. In EEM, these points are known as acupressure points, which are accessed by touching, tapping, or pressure to release or redistribute energy. If the energy of the meridian is obstructed, unregulated or compromised, the organ that it feeds is functioning less than optimally, resulting in dis-ease.
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If you think of the meridians as a complex highway system, and there is a blockage or congestion due to an accident, than all of the traffic must be “detoured”. If the blockage of traffic becomes larger and larger, preventing virtually no traffic to detour, then all the routes begin to close down creating even more chaos and the inability of community support teams to assist in resolving the accident and traffic.  If for example your liver is compromised, and starts seeking energy from other meridians like the heart or spleen, then these organs start to tire as well and other systems begin to lose optimal function.

We can influence the blockage or congestion in meridians in many ways, but one of the most effective is to learn to trace the meridians with our electromagnetic hands. As you place the hands over the meridian (directly on the skin or right above the skin), the energy of the meridian will follow the energy of the hands.  By tracing a meridian forward along its defined pathway, energy is sent into the meridian to strengthen it. Tracing the meridian backwards (from its end point on the body to its beginning point), will sedate, calm or reduce the energy flow. However, the heart meridian should NEVER BE TRACED BACKWARDS!

Over the next several months, you will learn to trace all of the meridians, learn an affirmation associated with each, and learn some of the characteristics of each meridian. As you become attuned to your own body’s energies, you will begin to sense if there is too much energy in the meridian and thus remove energy from it (like if you have pain along the meridian pathway) or if it needs a boost. For example, if you have periodic heart arrhythmia, it is very beneficial to trace the meridian forward 3 times to boost the heart energy! Remember, though, never trace heart backwards.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is A Primer to Understand Meridian Tracing”

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