”In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
Albert Szent-Goyorgyi, MD
Nobel Laureate in Medicine

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"The Simple Answer"

    Energy medicine is the process of balancing our 9 energy systems for health and healing.

    Energy Medicine is the practice of working with your energy as a vital living force forming the foundation of your well-being. By learning to heal the body by activating its natural healing energies and restoring energies that may be weak, blocked, disturbed or out of balance, you become the patient and the movement of energy is the medicine. It is the process of combining ancient practices with contemporary scientific understanding, enabling application to physical or emotional issues and thus promotes joyful living and wellness.

"A Further Explanation"

     Subtle Energies: Our subtle energy systems have defined pathways, just like our nervous system or our circulation system. If the pathway becomes clogged or blocked, discomfort, pain, disease or illness results. Do any of the following symptoms apply to you?

• Pain on one side and not the other?
• Trouble getting started in the morning?
• Difficulty concentrating?
• Shallow breathing?
• Headaches?
• Joint stiffness or slow movements?
• Loss of balance?
• Fatigue, lethargy?
• Congestion, sinus drainage?
• Auto-immune disorders?
• Inability to lose weight?
• Waking up each night at the same time?
• Insomnia?

Most of us experience one or more of these symptoms, which reflect stale energy and energy that is not moving through its pathway appropriately. Pain is clogged energy. By learning to move the energy, space is created and relief from the symptoms may begin.

     Many of you have heard of acupuncture. This system is based upon accessing acupressure points along defined energetic pathways in our bodies known as meridians. By placing a needle into one or more of these points, the energy that may be trapped, clogged or stale will begin to move, thus resulting in healing. Energy Medicine techniques are not invasive however and do not involve inserting needles into the body; however the same points as used in acupuncture are accessed by tapping, circling or holding to assist the body’s energy to begin to move again. The meridian system is only one of 9 systems recognized by Eden Energy Medicine, all systems of which are inter-connected.

     Energy Medicine corrects energetic imbalances. It does not treat or diagnose illness or disease. It is important to remember this distinction. Energy Medicine does not diagnose or treat illness or disease. Instead, it corrects energetic imbalances that are at the foundation of health and vibrancy. But physical symptoms often provide clues about the types of energy imbalances that the body needs to have addressed.

     Donna Eden sees energy. Yes, as hard as it is to believe, Donna can and does see energy. As a matrimonial lawyer for over 30 years, when I first heard of this concept, I was extremely skeptical, but as I have worked with my own and many other’s energies over the years, I have no doubt that Donna in fact sees energy, which has enabled her to develop this world wide recognized system known as Eden Energy Medicine. Donna’s system is based on accessing and assessing the 9 subtle energy systems in and around each of us by testing designated points on a person’s body. The feedback received by accessing these points with energy testing (more commonly referred to in other modalities as kinesiology) provides immediate information on the health of the associated energy system. Upon determining the energetic imbalances, specific techniques are employed to correct the blockage to restore energetic movement. This systems approach is now taught internationally and the book Energy Medicine by Donna Eden has been translated in over 17 languages.

     Detailed information may be found at the Eden Energy Website: www.innersource.net or visit www.learnenergymedicine.com. Both of these links offer invaluable information about the real benefits of moving your energy.

Energy Medicine has been described:

As a new field with ancient roots, building not only on what is known in Western Science and medicine but also drawing heavily form Eastern health practices and disciplines such as acupuncture, yoga and qigong.
As both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help.
As a means to address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders and a means to promote high level wellness and peak performance. By learning simple energy techniques, you can improve health, sharpen your mind and increase your joy and vitality.
As a preventative. By recognizing energy disruptions before symptoms appear, the energy imbalance can be corrected rather than allowed to progress until it erupts into cancer, heart failure, nervous disorders or some other disease or illness.
As a means to work with and understand your body’s reservoir of electromagnetic and subtle energies to:
      - Increase vitality
      - Identify and correct energy imbalances that prevent optimum performance
      - Enhance your health and state of mind
      - Increase the flow of energy to promote general health
      - Relieve pain by unclogging trapped energy
      - Enhance Inner peace
      - Awaken YOUR own doctor within
      - Boost your energy level
      - Strengthen your immune system
      - Alleviate stress and pain

     Energy Medicine is both an independent approach to self-care and complement to medical care. A key concept in Energy Medicine is that the words “diagnosis” and “treatment” have a different meaning than they do in conventional medicine. In conventional medicine you diagnose and treat an illness. In Energy Medicine, you assess where the energy system needs attention and correct the energy disturbances. Physical symptoms may be a clue, but they are not the focus. For instance, the same stomach ache might trace to an imbalance in Heart meridian in one person, in Liver meridian in another, and in Stomach meridian in a third. The same physical symptoms can reflect many kinds of problems in your energy system and call for different kinds of attention.

Two Ways Energy Medicine can help a person’s health condition:

1. The first way Energy Medicine approaches a health condition is by strengthening the person’s overall energy system and then by working with specific energies that are involved in the problem.

     This first level has to do with getting your body’s energies into a good flow, harmony, and balance. While not focusing on your health issue directly, this can create within your body an energetic environment that supports your overall health, vitality, and healing. This is the place to start.

     Unlike treatments that offer pills or surgery, Energy Medicine focuses on the entire body as a system.

     Before doing more specific treatments, Energy Medicine practitioners routinely help people get their body’s overall energies into a strong and healthy flow. Over the years, Donna Eden designed a five minute “Daily Energy Routine” that combines the most potent techniques we know that are able to help the greatest number of people to stimulate each of the vital energy systems and bring them into harmony and balance.

     In the Daily Energy Routine are some of the methods an Energy Medicine practitioner might give to you after an initial consultation to help you strengthen and balance your own energies. You can do much for yourself through the Daily Energy Routine alone. The Daily Energy Routine takes about five minutes; dedicating five additional minutes for experimenting with other methods can make a real difference in your health and vitality.

     The Daily Energy Routine is referenced in every introductory publication that Eden Energy Medicine has created. You can find it in the book Energy Medicine (Chapter 3), on Donna Eden’s “Introduction” and “Essential Techniques” DVD sets, as well as in the Sounds True “Energy Medicine Kit.” You can find these resources at: WWW.THEINNERSOURCESTORE.COM. And Click Here to find more information on our Resources page.

Five areas you might experiment with as adjuncts to the Daily Energy Routine are:

1. The “Homolateral Crossover,”
2. “Connecting Heaven and Earth,”
3. Techniques for sedating the Triple Warmer meridian,
4. The “Neurovascular Hold,” and
5. The “Blow Out.”

All are presented in each of the above resources.

2. The second method by which Energy Medicine might make a difference with a health concern involves an assessment of your body’s energies and the ways they are related to the condition. Based on that assessment, individualized treatments can be designed to make your energy system more robust, specifically in the ways that will help with the health condition. This is the level where working with a qualified energy medicine practitioner will be very helpful to provide advanced techniques and approaches to maximizing your heal and well-being.

     Remember that everything you do in terms of the Basic Daily Energy Routine will only support and enhance the work with a professional Energy Medicine practitioner or other health care provider.

Additional Facts of Interest about Energy Medicine:1

     Americans visit practitioners of alternative and complementary medicine today more than twice the amount they did in 1997.

     A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (v. 280, pp. 1569–75) showed that Americans made nearly twice as many visits to practitioners of alternative and complementary medicine than to their family physicians in 1997, and more recent studies (e.g., National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2008) have shown that the use of non-conventional health care methods has continued to increase. The various forms of Energy Medicine—acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, medical qi gong, Reiki, Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Touch for Health, Applied Kinesiology, Eden Energy Medicine, the Barbara Brennan method, and others—comprise a substantial portion of these visits.

Energy Medicine works on a Systemic level.

• Energy Medicine works at a systemic level—increasing a person’s overall health and vitality—and it is also able to target specific organs and bodily functions. “Energy” is understood as the life force that feeds each organ and body system (cardiovascular, respiratory, immune system, etc.), and its proper flow and proper balance are crucial for maintaining the health of each organ and system. Anecdotal evidence for successful treatment of serious conditions such as cancer and multiple sclerosis using various forms of energy medicine is available, and research evidence of efficacy is accumulating for many of the variations, including acupressure, Applied Kinesiology, Healing Touch, medical qi gong, Reiki, Shiatsu, and Therapeutic Touch.

• Visit links for specific conditions. Reviewing controlled trials of acupuncture, the World Health Organization. concluded in 2003 that it is effective for the treatment of 28 specific diseases, symptoms, or conditions, and that substantial evidence suggests it may be effective for 68 more.

The Procedures Used are Non-Invasive:

     Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by:

1. Tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points on the skin;
2. Tracing or swirling the hand over the skin above specific energy pathways or centers;
3. Exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects;
4. Focused use of the mind to move specific energies; or
5. Surrounding an area with healing energies (one person’s energies impact another’s).

     More invasive procedures such as inserting acupuncture needles or applying magnetic fields may also be utilized.

To Learn More from an Academic Prospective:

• Popular Book: Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality (2ND edition) by Donna Eden (Tarcher/Penguin, 1998/2008).
• Academic Book: Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James Oschman (Harcourt, 2000).
• Academic Paper: Six Pillars of Energy Medicine by David Feinstein & Donna Eden (2008).

1Credit for portions of this information is found in The Toolkit for Energy Healing Practitioners, an Innersource resource.

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