”Your thoughts literally talk to your cells… our body’s brain, immune, and endocrine chemicals literally form an information network uniting your body with your mind and emotions.”… “Your mind is in every cell of your body.”
Candice Pert, Ph.D,
Molecules of Emotion:
The Science behind Body-Mind Medicine


The concept of energy as medicine is hard to grasp, so how do I understand this nebulous concept of energy?

Answer: On the back of each of our many class books, which were received while training to become a certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner is the following quote from Donna Eden which so aptly provides an understanding of energy and Eden Energy Medicine:

     The profound implication of E=mc2 is that Energy is the underlying creative force of the universe! Every atom and molecule inside you emits and absorbs light and energy of different wavelengths. Your body’s energies flow, spin, spiral, stream, weave and crisscross in unique patterns that support life, surging through your body like electricity moving through a building to bring light and power.

     Energy needs space to move.

     Toxins, stress, constrictions in the body, and negative thinking can interfere with the proper flow of energy.

     The people, settings, and events in your life affect, and are affected by your energies and your energies are always adapting to your circumstances.

     Energy can form habits that persist even when the need for the habit has passed.

     Energies can be in conflict with one another or out of harmony with the needs of your physical body.

     Energies can be repatterned.

     Energy can foster and restore the full, free and dynamic flow of health throughout your body……….. this is Energy Medicine.

What can I expect during a private Energy Medicine session?

Answer: A session is very personal and unique to your energies. We will begin with energy testing your various systems to determine the balance or imbalances of the systems. Not all systems can be tested at one time. Like any modality of healing, the quickness by which your body responds is dependent on many variables including the length of time a system has been in a state of imbalance, how engrained are the patterns of energy and how responsive your body is to changing these habit.

     By energy testing, I mean that I will be asking you to hold your arm parallel to the floor with your palm turned toward the floor and with your elbow locked. We will then test the strength of your arm muscle by pushing down on your arm near your wrist. Next, I will use my hand (an electromagnetic tool) to interrupt the flow of energy into your arm and retest to see if I am able to interrupt the flow. Once I have a “testable muscle”, meaning the body will allow me to strengthen or interrupt the flow of energy; we will then use this energy test to assess the state of many of your energetic systems and begin to correct them. The more energetically in balance your system, for example if you do the 5 minute routine (Click here to go to the Resources page for resources on the Five Minute Routine), the more quickly we will move on to other more specific issues you face or want to address.

     I request that you complete an Intake Form and a Disclosure Statement before we begin our first session. This will be sent to you before we meet. I prefer that you return these forms to me before the session so I may review your information before we meet, but if this is not possible then I will review your responses at the session. Click here to view the "Services" page.

     We will then begin accessing the energy systems by tapping, stimulating energy points, circling points, or holding specified postures, all while you are fully clothed.

     The normal session is 1 ½ hours long with the exception of the first session, which generally is 2 hours since during the first session I want to acquaint myself with you and your concerns before we begin working with your energies.

     At the conclusion of the session, you will receive “homework” to continue your energy balancing while at home.

Do I need to do anything myself or how do we work together?

Answer: Using Energy Medicine is a partnership to explore your energetic systems, requiring that both you and I actively participate in the process. The techniques and approaches used vary, but may include exercises, holding or tapping points, tracing energetic pathways in or surrounding your body, asking you to follow up with homework on your own energy systems between sessions and receiving feedback from each other as we work with your energetic systems. For example, if you are having a weakness in your ankle, we would likely test the meridian strength on meridians that flow through your ankle, ( for example the gallbladder, bladder meridians on the outside of the ankle or the kidney, spleen or liver meridians that run on the inside of the ankle), or we may energetically test the entire ankle area to see if there are blockages that need to be released or we may determine that your Tibetan energy rings are not connected over the area of your ankle or we may determine there is a large trauma related to the ankle accident or an emotional component that needs to be addressed before the energy will move properly. All of these approaches will be assessed to attempt to find the cause of the issue energetically and then release the energies to flow or help them to regain their proper balance. It is such an investigative process that is like uncovering the jewel within.

     If we meet regularly, we will assess the effectiveness of our approach and I may ask you to rate your view of the issue on a one to ten so we have a measurable reference point of our progress. Feedback, questions and answers and understanding the process and approach is paramount for both of us. I welcome questions and will provide you as much or as little information as you like; given my background as a trial lawyer I so enjoy making sure that my clients are well educated on all approaches.

     We form a partnership when we work together, both of us vested in your energies becoming balanced. The more committed you are to the process, for example, by following through on doing “homework” as needed, the quicker your issues will resolve.

Will my condition be resolved in one session?

Answer: Each person’s energy is unique. If your issue is one that recently arose, like a headache that started after you hit your head several days before, then it is much more likely that we would resolve the discomfort from your headache in one session. Conversely, if you have had headaches for the last 5 years, have consulted numerous medical providers to no avail, then it is likely that one session will not be sufficient to resolve your headaches. Energy has many layers and our objective in working with those energies is to get to the foundation that is creating the imbalance. We start with balancing the more surface systems, like meridians or chakras, and then move into the deeper energetic systems, like radiant circuits, the 5 Rhythms, Celtic weaves, your auric field or your electric system. Many times once your body realizes the benefits of change and is willing to let the changes occur without threat to its sense of survival, then changes start to happen swiftly. The process is similar to peeling the layers of an onion—it may take time and effort to reach the center, the core of the issue.

     I am a perfect example. It took many sessions for my energies to begin to accept that the changes occurring to my energetic systems were beneficial to my overall well-being. I had been in a state of adrenal burnout for many years and was functioning as my practitioner would say, “on sheer will power”. All of my energetic systems were shut down and each time we would correct some of them initially, my body would revert to its old habits because it viewed the changes being made as threatening to my very survival. This is not unusual. Once we got my energies on board that it was safe to change, then my many of my other deeper energetic systems started to fall in line much more quickly. We are all unique and it is a dance that becomes magical as we interact with the movements of our energies. You can read more about my own journey in the section "About” Karen click here.

Should I use Eden Energy Medicine instead of using a medical doctor?

Answer: The two approaches are not mutually exclusive and in fact are complementary. Click Here to see the Video by Karen on the Principles of Energy Medicine and how Energy Medicine is complementary with Western Medicine.

     There are some fundamental differences however:

     Energy Medicine seeks to address the cause of an issue energetically, not mask the symptom with drugs or prescriptions.

     Energy Medicine is not invasive but uses the body’s own energies to heal itself. Often Western medicine utilizes invasive procedures to attempt to heal the body.

     Energy Medicine seeks to promote self-care and self-healing as the foundation of our energies, enabling the body to find its inner doctor to assist in finding optimum health, believing that our body wants to heal itself and be whole. Conversely, often allopathic medicine is based on giving your care over to a doctor to tell you what is wrong or what should be done without including you in the process of your own care.

     Energy Medicine seeks to educate, with knowledge and specific protocols or techniques, enabling empowerment of the individual as an active participant and partner in establishing healthy living and well-being.

     Energy Medicine and allopathic medicine can partner nicely. For example, if one must have surgery, getting one’s energies primed and balanced before, after and during surgery will facilitate faster healing and recovery.

     Donna Eden states: “Energy Medicine and conventional medicine can work together beautifully. A dramatic way to reduce healthcare costs would be to balance a person’s energy systems before and after surgery, particularly those that are affected by the procedure. Another would be to energy test medications before prescribing them, both the type of medication and the dosage. More than 110,000 people die each year in the United States by taking medication as prescribed. I’ve even been asked by anesthesiologists, several times actually, to come into the operating room for complex cases and test the anesthesia that is being considered.

     More fundamental than being a mere supplement to conventional medicine, Energy Medicine can also prevent the need for more invasive procedures. As Christiane Northrup, M.D., said in her foreword to my book, Energy Medicine for Women: “In the medicine of the future, as I envision it, working with the patient’s energy field will be the first intervention. Surgery will be a last resort. Drugs will be a last resort. They will still have their place, but shifting the energy patterns that caused the disease will be the first line of treatment. And before that, teaching people how to keep their energies in healthy patterns will be as much a part of physical hygiene as flossing or exercise.”

Will Energy Medicine cure my problem?

     First, I would reframe the question to suggest that if there is discomfort, illness, or disease, there is an imbalance or disharmony in your energetic systems. It is our hope that by working jointly in partnership with you and your energies, that we will be able to create balance in your systems to enable your body to heal, which it wants to do. The objective is restoration of your health through harmonious movement of energies. That is not to say that other professionals are not needed. Nutrition, exercise, supplements, environment and emotional issues all play a part in your health. If one or more of these other modalities have been ignored, then they also need to be addressed to bring balance to you. It is important to note that often physical discomfort originates on an emotional plane and thus by assessing all levels of imbalance, discomfort, pain and blockage are resolved.

Being somewhat of a skeptic about this concept of moving my own energies, have there been any scientific studies done to evaluate the efficacy of the practices espoused by Eden Energy Medicine?1

Answer: Many of the Energy Medicine specialties, such as acupressure, shiatsu, Reiki, Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, and Applied Kinesiology have published efficacy studies in peer-reviewed journals. Because of the many variables involved in health conditions and the fact that people most often combine Energy Medicine with other treatments, research on Energy Medicine in treating medical conditions is not easy, and the studies in the scientific literature are at a relatively early stage. Nonetheless, the World Health Organization has identified numerous conditions that, according to reliable studies, are helped by acupuncture and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a governmental agency that is part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, has funded numerous studies. Donna Eden’s husband, David Feinstein, and Donna wrote an overview of some of the principles and empirical research backing energy medicine. It can be found at www.EnergyMedicinePrinciples.com.

     Research in the application of Energy Medicine to psychological problems, called “energy psychology,” is particularly encouraging. A video of veterans who were exposed to the process of “energy psychology” was part of a research program that showed profound improvements with PTSD, sometimes after 30 years of unsuccessful intermittent treatment. And this was accomplished over a 5-day period of 2 to 3 hours of treatment each day. Other studies confirm these results with veterans and studies are coming in now that show that people who have been through terrible disasters also respond quickly and dramatically. PTSD is a terrible disorder to have and it has not responded nearly as well to any other psychological treatment. But it is not the only condition where Energy Medicine can help with psychological problems. The range extends from anxiety disorders to difficulties such as addictions and reactive depression. Part of the training of a certified practitioner is to learn the energy psychology techniques, which may be employed as part of the protocol used in a given case. If the case is complex however, another skilled professional with psychological training may be consulted and the case referred.

All of this sounds wonderful, but how can I access this sense of well-being on a daily basis?

Answer: The 5 Minute Routine (discussed on the Energy Medicine page and Resources page) is the foundational approach to activating and balancing the 9 energy systems. By doing the 9 exercises each day, which take about 5 minutes to complete once you know the routine, you begin to normalize and shift your energetic patterns to maximize your health. For example, the cross crawl exercise is based on the concept that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of your body and conversely the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of your body. This is the cross over pattern that should exist in each of us. However, many of us do not have our energies crossing across our body (rather our energies are running homolateral or up and down through our body), meaning that we are only accessing 50% of our energies for health and healing. By doing the 5 Minute Routine you quickly get your energies crossing over and begin to heal imbalances much more quickly. Did you ever notice that when a baby begins to crawl, they begin to learn so much more so quickly? This is because they are now crossing their energies and accessing double the amount of information than they had available before they began to crawl. This is only one example of how the 5 Minute Routine can influence your health in such a positive way.

What do I do to set an appointment?

Answer: Click Here to view the "Services" page and the process will be explained to you.

     Thank you for your interest in learning about this wonderful modality of Energy Medicine. It can transform your life.

Do you do workshops or other educational courses?

Answer: Yes, I do study groups of several hours, workshops for larger groups for several hours to all day events. Click Here to see the "Classes and Events" page for more information. Also, if you subscribe to our mailing list (above, top right), I will send you notice of events when they are scheduled.

1 Credit for portions of this information is found in The Toolkit for Energy Healing Practitioners, an Innersource resource.

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