Find Clarity, Concentration and Focus with Wayne Cook Posture

Is there a time of day when you feel “droopy” or unfocused, but you really need to be alert and mentally present? Although tapping your K 27 points helps get the meridians moving forward providing increased stamina, there are times when the meridian energy is chaotic and literally scrambled. This is the time to use the Wayne Cook Posture (part of the 5 Minute Routine), which dissipates the feeling of being overwhelmed or hysterical; provides clarity if you need to concentrate, confront someone or find balance after a confrontation by someone. Clues that your energy is scrambled include not recalling what you were doing; losing your words when talking; confusing right and left; reversing letters or numbers; or you keep reading the same paragraph over and over.

Originally developed by Wayne Cook to address stuttering and dyslexia, this technique has proven so effective in connecting the energy circuitry between the forebrain and the reptilian back brain, that it is now used to harmonize the energy throughout the body. Energies may be scrambled due to prolonged stress preventing the nervous system from getting rest to begin rebuilding or from a defense mechanism forcing you to stop and regroup. Whatever the reason, the result is the same—an inability to assimilate and store new information due to the energy disconnect between the brain and the body’s energies. The technique is easy:

Step 1. Sit with your spine straight. Place the left foot over the right knee. Hold the left ankle with the right hand the ant bottom of your left foot with your left hand.

Step 2. Breathe in slowly through the nose while stretching your leg in toward you. Exhale through the mouth while relaxing the body. Repeat at least 4 times.

Step 3. Switch by placing your right foot over the left knee, etc. and repeat the process.

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Step 4. Uncross the legs and place all fingertips and thumbs of both hands together creating a ”steeple”, resting the thumbs above the bridge of the nose. Breathe slowing in through nose and out through mouth 3 times. On the exhale, place fingers in middle of forehead, push in and pull fingers to the temples. Return hands to original position (this posture harmonizes energy between head & body).

Upon completion of the exercise, you will feel calm; be able to change your focus to see another perspective; think more clearly and learn more efficiently. Use it before doing any presentation or activity requiring intense focus: as a teacher, musician, artist, CEO, lawyer, doctor or long distance truck driver—it works!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Find Inspiration and Sharpen Memory with The Crown Pull!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Exercises, Memory.