Energy Medicine: Alleviate a Chronic Headache

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

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Headache is defined in WordNet English dictionary as a noun that is: “1. Pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction[to] drugs 2. Something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness..“

From an Energy Medicine perspective, energy wants to move and needs space. If compressed or pressed (i.e. dilation of arteries or muscle contraction), energy surrounding the arteries or muscles can’t dynamically flow. Remember the soft spot on a baby’s head and the sutures that must knit together to provide solid bone structure for protection of the brain? These same sutures remain present in our skull as adults. It is noted in “In adult life the main function of sutures is to distribute impact force evenly around the skull. The collagen present in the interfacial layer coupled with the jagged interlocking joints distributes impact force evenly across the entire length of the sutures and connecting bone…….”

Thus, trapped energy is moved out of the head at the suture points since they are not solid bone, but are interlocking joints. Using the structure of the body enables it to heal itself through simple technique. The following EM exercise works for chronic headaches and takes about 2 minutes to complete:


Step 1. As you tilt your head to the right, place your right palm against the right side of your head, over the suture line. While taking a deep breath and holding it, push you head and your hand against each other.

Step 2. As you slowly release your breath, remove your hand and stretch your head toward your right shoulder. Repeat Step 1 and 2 two times

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Step 3. Switch to your left side and follow Steps 1 and 2 for 3 turns.

Step 4. With your head positioned straight over your spine, place the pads of all eight fingers on the boney structure at the back of your head right at the base of the skull. As you take a deep breath, push your fingers and head toward each other.

Step 5. As you slowly release your breath open your jaw as you drop your hands to your lap. Take a deep breath in through your mouth; jut your bottom jaw forward while pulling it to meet your upper jaw. Release the breath, open your mouth and let the jaw relax

Step 6. Repeat Step 5, but as you release the breath, let your head fall forward toward your chest.

Step 7. On an in breath, place your palms against your forehead as you push them into the forehead in an upward motion, while you push your head down toward your chest. On an out breath, release palms while head continues to drop farther toward chest. Do 2 more times. On the 3rd round, on the out breath, lock your fingers behind your head and use your elbows to slowly gently pull your head downward.

Feel better already? This is one exercise for a chronic headache. Other techniques to address allergy headaches or tension headaches, or sinus headaches are available.

Have Fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic is BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Exercises, Headaches.