Menopause Headache?– Try Head Swinging

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 19, 2015


Menopausal Headache? –Try Head Swinging

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Over the last several weeks tools for dealing with menopause have been explored. Remember this special time of your life when hormones are changing and offering so many opportunities for exploration and “inventing your new self”—I can attest to these shifts given my change in career from a high powered matrimonial lawyer to this second career as an EEM teach and practitioner. It is fun, but sometimes scary to embrace change, but that is what menopause is all about, right— change???blue jelly fish in water from Julie

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  1. Inhale deeply and on the exhale, drop you head forward toward the chest while relaxing the shoulders
  2. Inhale while gently moving the right ear toward the right shoulder while keeping your shoulders relaxed and squared off. A nice stretch is experienced in the left side of the neck. Take 3 deep breaths
  3. On exhale, allow the head to gently move to the chest and place the left ear over the left shoulder with relaxed shoulders. Take 3 breaths.
  4. Let the head gently fall to the chest. Repeat 2 more times

For more practical solutions and suggestions, EEM for Women is a wonderful resource!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Feel Ungrounded, Disconnected- Meet the 4th Thump!”

Posted in Breathing, Exercises, Headaches, Hormonal Imbalance, Menopause.